The 12 Pains of Healthcare (2022)

Inspired by the classic Christmas song, “Twelve Days of Christmas”, and my high level of burnout, I wrote a parody version with a healthcare bias.

Please enjoy it with the sarcasm and slight cynicism in which it was created. Because let’s face it modern healthcare is full of reasons to be cynical for both the provider and the patient.

Maybe hum the tune in your head as you read…but that’s optional.

The 1st pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, corporate ownership with unrealistic productivity.

The 2nd pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, double booking patients and over scheduling.

The 3rd pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, denials from the insurance companies.

The 4th pain of healthcare that’s such as drag to me, Medicare regulations and government bureaucracy.

The 5th pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, empty praise and golden plaques instead of bonuses.

Rhyming words is hard. Please read on…

The 6th pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, limited budgets with a cap on raises for eternity.

The 7th pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, emotionally drained providers resulting in staff co-dependency.

The 8th pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, ethical dilemmas causing caregiver tiptoeing.

The 9th pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, patients demanding care and services that are unnecessary.

The 10th pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, electric medical record systems constantly malfunctioning.

The 11th pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, chronically late arriving patients blaming anything and everything.

The 12th pain of healthcare that’s such a drag to me, organizational procedures making it 100 times harder to do your job effectively.

Thanks for coming along on this satirical ride. There are definitely more than 12! Please feel free to add to the listed “pains” in the comments. I look forward to your witty responses.

Merry, happy everything you celebrate and happy new year!





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